Talent mine - Football park
Last weekend, on July 15th, a Football Park, made from constant pressure media from VENTO® line, has appeared on KS Szczerbice field. Football Park Project was initiated by Silesia Football Association and it aims to reach the youngest football fans.
The training took place under the watchful eye of qualified stuff from Silesia Football Association and was dedicated not only to boys, but also to girls. During practice, young adepts could test their football skills such as speed, efficiency, agility, accuracy on a special equipment. The activities has ended with a contest for precision shot to the goal, which was made of VENTO® gate!
For the youngest participants there was a lot of fun and arcade games. In a special toddler zone under constant pressure VENTO® tent, the participants could take part in creative workshops. The next series of Football Park will take place in Podkęg Tychy. You will find the details soon on: www.slzpn.katowice.pl
Photos: www.slzpn.katowice.pl